Ebook A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America

Ebook A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America

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A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America

A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America

A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America

Ebook A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America

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A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America

Product details

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Audible Audiobook

Listening Length: 18 hours and 35 minutes

Program Type: Audiobook

Version: Unabridged

Publisher: Tantor Audio

Audible.com Release Date: March 28, 2011

Whispersync for Voice: Ready

Language: English, English


Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

Ronald Takaki is an Emeritus Professor at the University of California. He is a major writer in the field of Ethnic Studies . A Different Mirror is 445 pages of rather small text, so doing more than hinting at its contents is impossible.Before reading A Different Mirror I saw our nation’s history as the story of the advance of civilization. “Civilization” being the version of civilization that was developed in England and passed on through our Declaration of Independence and Constitution and the culture of freedom surrounding it. Now I have an awareness of the equal contribution of other streams some already here, and some also from across the seas. And I am deeply aware of the suffering of these peoples in this process.Takaki starts with the Irish. The English began thumping on them first when as England and Ireland they were neighbors. With ample help from the English the Irish were impoverished. To escape starvation they boarded the boats, came over here, to do the work of the bestial, stupid, filthy underclass. From that point they built themselves into powerful, knowledgeable and wealthy members of the white system. From my childhood to my adulthood the Irish in my family did not stop being a competitive minority under-class until Jack Kennedy became president. On that day we arrived as members of the white power structure.While the Irish are described well in Takaki’s history, their fellow whites less so., For instance the Swedes are served not at all, nor the Germans, nor the French, , and just a dab at the Italians This is not a complaint. Even a big book has limits.After the Irish story comes the tragic tale of the stealing of Indian land. The removal of whole native peoples en mass from the lands they had possessed for generations. This attempt at genocide was based on two very disputable “facts.” First the Indians were ignorant savages, and second, they did not need the land since they were not farming it. Until the 1970s we made the practice of Native American religion a crime, destroying their culture .Takaki covers the story of the Blacks from slavery to Martin Luther King and close to today. No surprises there if you are following the copious coverage of that history in the media, but he squeezes a lot of African American history into these pages. I realized my own narrowness in thinking of racial history as being a Black and White story. Not at all. It is much broader and much worse than that.The battle of the Alamo looks much less heroic when I realize that it occurred well within the boundaries of Mexico. (A 2017 joke: The Mexicans will pay for a wall on the border if we give them back California.) The Mexicans did not have to migrate to the United States. We moved the lines, and then they were in the United States, but without property rights, in a foreign culture, vulnerable and victimized.The Chinese arrived to build the railroads from West to East, as the Irish were building them from East to West. Tough work. Single men came first and families later. The Chinese were being pressured by the spreading British Empire on their East to cross the seas and join and collide with the same culture in our WestThe Japanese are followed from their arrival in fruitless pursuit of gold (hills of it they had heard) through World War Two where while young male Japanese Americans were grudgingly allowed to fight on the European front, their families were interned in what can only be called prison camps to prevent any possible seditious activity. (None of which ever appeared.)In Different Mirrors I first discovered that President Roosevelt turned back to certain death in Germany a ship full of Jews trying to escape Hitler. Worse, he did it because the polls showed that ninety percent of United States citizens wanted him to do precisely that.What I gained from this book is a deep and specific sense of the terrible cost those other than the founders have paid for a seat at the American table.Does your picture of how we all got here need tuning as badly as mine? Ronald Takaki is a compelling storyteller. Because of that this is about as easy a lesson as anyone can make it.

I just finished reading this history of multicultural America, and I just wanted to add my appreciation to Takaki for writing the history of our nation from the point of view of the people who built it and made it as it is.Finally, a history of the U.S. that speaks the awful truth about the discrimination and horrors so many ethnic groups went through to make America the greatest country on Earth, as it is unfortunately still the case today.A reading I'd strongly recommend in these times of confusion and hatred, where too many folks tend to forget the challenges and sufferings of Native Americans, African Americans, Irish Americans, Chinese Americans, Japanese Americans, Jewish Americans, Mexican Americans, and so many other groups who came before us.E pluribus unum ... right?

Required reading for Multicultural Perspectives (along with Kaleidoscope), but this is one of those books I just HAD to keep. I wish that this information was taught in high school, though. It gives the REAL history of America, rather than the watered down, PC version that makes everything look rosy. I'm making my kids read it over the summer.

This book is an excellent source of information for people who want to round out their understanding of USA history with untold stories from the perspective of those who are seldom heard. Is it biased as other reviewers claim? Yes absolutely, but so is every other book written on American history since we and all these writers are humans and therefore inherently biased. This work essentially gives a third side to what is often presented as an equally biased two dimensional story with the Christian Anglo-European settlers as the completely untarnished heroes taking on savage natives and the paternalistic burden of caring for those so-called less civilized child-like people who are made to serve them. This book does not, in my opinion, take away from the bravery of these settlers and those among them who pushed west. It does provide, however, another important angle of insight into the human beings behind the caricatures. The only thing that I can think of that would have made this book even better is a more rounded presentation of all people characterized as the victims (They too certainly have more than one side). Overall, I believe the greatest value this book offers is a better understanding of the origins of certain unconscious biases held by all of us about race, religion, ethnicity and a host of other topics that still persist in our culture today.

The book is written simply and to make an impact. Society, culture, ethnicity, and prejudice are all complicated subjects and Takaki weaves them together to explain our differences and provide some common ground. The book is mostly chronological, with particular topics (events or groups of people) separated into their own chapters or sections, so every once in awhile there is a bit of a time shift. I think for most readers Takaki reaches his goal of spreading a little of understanding, patience, and acceptance. America is a tough place, no matter your background, but it is far tougher for some.

Great text for anyone interested in learning about the other multi-cultural / multi-ethnic roots of American society. While some of us may have knowledge about Ellis Island from our ancestors, the stories of non-European immigrants has largely been left out of the picture. Takaki shows connections between historical events and the ethnic groups that were involved but not mentioned in standard accounts. If you enjoy reading Howard Zinn's "People's History of the United States" you should also enjoy "A Different Mirror." Takai, being of Japanese descent tells the history from another perspective which has been ignored.

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A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America PDF

PDF Ebook St. Thomas Aquinas, by G.K. Chesterton

PDF Ebook St. Thomas Aquinas, by G.K. Chesterton

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St. Thomas Aquinas, by G.K. Chesterton

St. Thomas Aquinas, by G.K. Chesterton

St. Thomas Aquinas, by G.K. Chesterton

PDF Ebook St. Thomas Aquinas, by G.K. Chesterton

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St. Thomas Aquinas, by G.K. Chesterton

Product details

Paperback: 160 pages

Publisher: Martino Fine Books (November 16, 2011)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1614272034

ISBN-13: 978-1614272038

Product Dimensions:

6 x 0.4 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 9.1 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.2 out of 5 stars

187 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#1,350,614 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Chesterton himself is very modest about writing about a saint and philosopher without going very deeply into either philosophy or theology:"... It is the fate of this sketch to be sketchy about philosophy, scanty or rather empty about theology, and to achieve little more than a decent silence on the subject of sanctity. And yet it must none the less be the recurrent burden of this little book, to which it must return with some monotony, that in this story the philosophy did depend on the theology, and the theology did depend on the sanctity. In other words, it must repeat the first fact, which was emphasised in the first chapter: that this great intellectual creation was a Christian and Catholic creation and cannot be understood as anything else."Which is why I give it four stars instead of five. GKC, for all his beef with Macaulay, really does write like a Tory, or Catholic Macaulay, namely with brilliance, but sometimes without seriousness:"... Against all this the philosophy of St. Thomas stands founded on the universal common conviction that eggs are eggs. The Hegelian may say that an egg is really a hen, because it is a part of an endless process of Becoming; the Berkeleian may hold that poached eggs only exist as a dream exists; since it is quite as easy to call the dream the cause of the eggs as the eggs the cause of the dream; the Pragmatist may believe that we get the best out of scrambled eggs by forgetting that they ever were eggs, and only remembering the scramble. [...]The Thomist stands in the broad daylight of the brotherhood of men, in their common consciousness that eggs are not hens or dreams or mere practical assumptions; but things attested by the Authority of the Senses, which is from God."... but this sort of fooling is not typical. For the most part, the paradoxes and contrarian views are genuinely thought provoking, and if the book only hints at philosophy, it deals with medieval history, comparative religion and modern conventional wisdom (which hasn't changed all that much since 1933) very well. At any rate, this is a point still worth making:"... He may not be a Liberal by the extreme demands of the moderns for we seem always to mean by the moderns the men of the last century, rather than this. He was very much of a Liberal compared with the most modern of all moderns for they are nearly all of them turning into [.. not gonna say it...]. But the point is that he obviously preferred the sort of decisions that are reached by deliberation rather than despotic action; and while, like all his contemporaries and coreligionists, he has no doubt that true authority may be authoritative, he is rather averse to the whole savour of its being arbitrary."

Chesterton is such a wonderfully fluid writer who draws one into the story immediately. I loved his work on St. Thomas He states on p. 123, "He was not a person who wanted nothing; and he was a person who was enormously interested in everything. His answer is not so inevitable or simple at some may suppose. As compared with many other saints, and many other philosophers, he was avid in his acceptance of Things; in his hunger and thirst for Things. It was his special spiritual thesis that there are really are things and not only Thing;that the many existed as well as the One." Chesterton's understanding of St. Francis is equally as profound and one that calls us to mediation and contemplation."To read Sacred Scripture is to turn to Christ for advice."

St. Thomas Aquinas was nicknamed "The Dumb Ox" not because he was stupid, but because he didn't talk very much. According to many, he was the greatest philosopher between Aristotle and Descartes.An example of his silence was the night he was more or less forced to dine with the French King, the universally-beloved St. Louis. Royal dinners were not his style, and he sat silently while the French nobility did their "witty conversation" thing. There was a pause in the "witty conversation," and St. Thomas suddenly smashed his fist down on the table, exclaiming, "THAT should settle the Manichees!!"The other guests stared dumbfounded at this horrible breach of etiquette, but the King was smart enough to send two secretaries around to St. Thomas, to make sure he didn't lose that thought.This volume also contains another Chesterton masterpiece, his life of St. Francis.I am not a Catholic, not even a Christian, but I found a lot of stuff in these biographies which makes a LOT more sense than what Atheists Inc. have brought to America and Europe. I'd much rather listen to a Te Deum than watch "reality TV," for example. And these two short biographies are worth your time because they are an excellent visit with Dr. Sanity.

This edition surprised me by being in a large format. I've read Chesterton's "St. Thomas Aquinas: The Dumb Ox" several times and never cease to enjoy it. Not only does Chesterton give you a penetrating sketch of Thomas Aquinas but he gives you a sense of the struggle to put neo-Platonism and Aristotelian moderate realism in balance. No less an authority than Etienne Gilson, the foremost Thomistic scholar of the 20th century said of it: "I consider it as being without possible comparison the best book ever written on St. Thomas. Nothing short of genius can account for such an achievement." In a letter he wrote to Father Kevin Scannell, a priest of the diocese of Leeds, he said: "G.K. always argues from his intellectual perception of truth, never towards it. In the case of Thomas Aquinas — a mere incident in his colossal production — I always feel him nearer the real Thomas than I am after reading and teaching the Angelic Doctor for sixty years."It is hard to imagine higher praise from a better source. My own sense of this little book is that it is an indispensable portal to Thomistic studies, a book that at once is easily accessible and illuminates Aquinas like no other.

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