Free Download Banksy: The Man Behind the Wall, by Will Ellsworth-Jones

Free Download Banksy: The Man Behind the Wall, by Will Ellsworth-Jones

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Banksy: The Man Behind the Wall, by Will Ellsworth-Jones

Banksy: The Man Behind the Wall, by Will Ellsworth-Jones

Banksy: The Man Behind the Wall, by Will Ellsworth-Jones

Free Download Banksy: The Man Behind the Wall, by Will Ellsworth-Jones

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Banksy: The Man Behind the Wall, by Will Ellsworth-Jones

From Booklist

The British artist known as Banksy creates illegal street paintings with superhero daring and political conviction. But his most impressive feat is his anonymity, which is zealously protected by his cultish followers and ace organization, Pest Control. Ellsworth-Jones had no intention of revealing Banksy’s identity when he sought an interview with the artist, but he was refused. So be it. Secrecy feeds the flame of this thought-provoking, irony-steeped, unauthorized investigation into how a regular guy from Bristol elevated graffiti to a fine art only to find himself trapped in the paradox of becoming a commercially successful, anticapitalist guerrilla artist. While he gamely searches for extant street paintings, Ellsworth-Jones chronicles ludicrous battles over wall removal, the tagging of Banksy’s work by rival street artists, pop-up exhibits, and the lengths to whichfans go to purchase Banksy prints. Formerly chief reporter for the Sunday Times of London, Ellsworth-Jones redresses his lack of an art historian’s fully dimensional perspective by candidly sharing his learn-on-the-go adventures and discoveries in a thoroughly ensnaring, eye-popping account of the paradigm-shifting innovations of a bold and brilliant masked artist. --Donna Seaman

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“Provides an intriguing account of the making of the acclaimed Banksy film ‘Exit Through the Gift Shop'. . . and efforts by Banksy and his team to control and shape the mythology around him. . . . Mr. Ellsworth-Jones's book is at its most fascinating in tracing Banksy's evolution from outsider, spraying walls in Bristol like dozens of other young graffiti practitioners, to international artist with work that ‘commands hundreds of thousands of pounds in the auction houses of Britain and America.' He is adept at examining some of the existential dilemmas this success created for Banksy -- dilemmas shared by many outsider and counterculture artists, who suddenly find their work embraced by the very mainstream they'd once scorned.” ―Michiko Kakutani, The New York Times“[A] thought-provoking, irony-steeped, unauthorized investigation into how a regular guy from Bristol elevated graffiti to a fine art only to find himself trapped in the paradox of becoming a commercially successful, anticapitalist guerrilla artist…. A thoroughly ensnaring, eye-popping account of the paradigm-shifting innovations of a bold and brilliant masked artist.” ―Booklist“A fluent, enjoyable discussion of an important contemporary cultural phenomenon; this book will appeal especially to readers who are fans of Banksy's world and is an essential title for devotees of pop culture and outsider art… Ellsworth-Jones does a superb job.” ―Library Journal“Whether a Banksy follower or not, a reader will find this excellent contemporary art story speaks volumes about celebrity.” ―Publishers Weekly“Entertaining.” ―Kirkus Reviews“A fascinating portrait that elicits admiration for a man who, despite his increasingly unconvincing efforts to retain some shreds of his vandal status, has had an undeniable impact on art.” ―The Times (UK)“A credible and intelligent portrait of a unique artist, reluctant capitalist, and control freak.” ―The Independent (UK)“An accomplished investigative reporter, [Ellsworth-Jones] casts a detailed and enthusiastic eye over all aspects of Banksy's career.” ―London Evening Standard“Ellsworth-Jones writes perceptively about the ‘ethical dilemmas' created by Banksy's marketing techniques, yet still communicates the excitement of a ‘treasure hunt' for traces of his work in the scruffier purlieus of London.” ―The Observer (UK)“What makes [this book] intriguing is a relentless following of the money, and the exploration of the tortured interface between art and commerce.” ―The Guardian (UK)“A fascinating history of a wholly likeable art phenomenon.” ―The Sunday Times (UK)

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Product details

Hardcover: 336 pages

Publisher: St. Martin's Press; Reissue edition (February 12, 2013)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1250025737

ISBN-13: 978-1250025739

Product Dimensions:

6.1 x 1.1 x 8.4 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.4 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

3.4 out of 5 stars

40 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#271,633 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

Giving 5 stars BC the seller shipped the item quickly and the condition was as described, new. The book itself isn't bad. It wasn't what I expected. If I had to rate the book itself, I'd give it 3 stars due to the authors writing style. I'm happy with the purchase and I feel I got a great deal. The author isn't trrrible but certainly not exceptional. In all, there are certainly many interesting points and some of the information I found quite interesting. I loved the design and the pages are all black on the edges which I thought was really cool. I'd buy it again.

My son really likes this book

A fascinating if unauthorized bio of Banksy. Raises many interesting issues regarding the value of art and the power of social media. If you have ever wondered about graffiti writers, this book takes you into their world.

Thorough and fair. Wills Ellsworth Jones was enthusiastic about art generally and Banksy in particular but clearly not beholden to him.

Nice study of the Banksy phenomenon, great introduction to the graffity world, great links with the actuality.I want to buy a banksy now... ;)

Excellent condition! Extremely happy with my purchasr and time it took to get my book. The book was brand new and was in better shape than described.

Allow me to begin this review by telling you that I am an avid fan and photographer of wall art, street art and art openings by avant garde artists who break open new ways of looking at the world. I have seen the film "Exit Through The Gift Shop" which shows Banksy and other graffiti artists in action. When I travel, I seek out the more interesting graffiti and wall art and collect photographs of the work. Within days, weeks or months, the works are usually painted over or deteriorate in the weather. But, the works of Banksy live on in photographs, internet images, books and sales of prints. Shepard Fairey, a noted graffiti artist whose work hangs in galleries and private homes as well as on the walls of many cities, speaks very well of Banksy and is a friend of his and contributed to the book along with many other people who know Banksy. The book of course never identifies who Banksy actually is, because the mystery that surrounds this "wall painter" forms a large part of his appeal to the collectors of his works.The book discusses the motivation of Banksy and fellow painters who deface public property, who make painting in places where paintings are not wanted and the activity of painting those places breaks the law. The book explains - in the words of some of the artists - why they take the risk and how much satisfaction they obtain by sharing their work with others and by perhaps making citizens take notice of what is going on around them. Much of Banksy's work is a form of protest against government oppression, high handedness, over control, and general priggishness. The book also explores the strange way that ground breaking artists become collectible artists and how their work appreciates in value. Banksy's work that he literally gave away for free on public and private walls has magically become collectible and can be very valuable - selling for over $100,000 in some cases. You will not meet Banksy in the book, but you will meet some of the characters who populate his world and who help him to succeed in poking sticks in the eyes of authority. You will also meet some of the people, art professionals, gallery owners, publishers, movie makers who profit by the work of Banksy and have a vested interest in keeping him successful and in the wall art enthusiasts' eyes.Perhaps the aspect I found most interesting in this book were the accounts of how some of the more well known Banksy works like the axed red British phone booth, the bootleg art that has hung at the Tate, the girl releasing the red balloon, and many others were created. The author discusses the conception of the work and the logistics (stencil cutting, types of paint, ladders, access, working where there are security cameras and guards, and - voila - in the morning, people going to work are greeted by a new Banksy work!The book provides internet sources for many interesting aspects of graffiti. It moves along at a nice pace for the person who has learned about graffiti and wall art. But, for the person encountering this concept of art for the very first time, the book can be a challenge to read. So, if you are new to Banksy, it would be a good idea to look at some of his work via the internet and to see "Exit Through The Gift Shop" before picking up this book.I gained a better understanding on how paintings achieve a value and how the link between the artist and his or her audience enhances that value.

The most important thing you need to know before deciding to purchase Will Ellsworth-Jones' Banksy: The Man Behind The Wall is this book is *not* your typical coffee table art book filled with pictures. In fact, the only picture in my copy was the front cover you can see for yourself on this very Amazon page.Secondly, this is what you would call an "unauthorized biography" and weighs in at just over 1.4 lbs with 300 pages of pure text. It's important to understand that this book is not the "we're going to reveal so much dirt and skeletons in the closet that there is no way the subject would authorize" type of unauthorized biography. It's more of an "this subject is reclusive, private, and or unknowable" type of unauthorized biography. Part of Banksy's allure is his anonymity and revealing who he is would be akin to the adult version of SPOILER! "Santa isn't real" and would ruin part of the fun created by the very idea of Banksy walking among us, unknowable, working on the fringe of society to create subversive pieces of socio/political statement.Ellsworth-Jones did not set out to "out" Banksy, but created this work to explain him and the Street Art movement he helped transform from illegal public graffiti to a legitimate form of art exhibited in the finest museums in the world. In some ways the continued anonymity gives Banksy the continued street creed typically lost by "selling out" (which I don't believe he's actually done) to the very crusty, old art institutions he despised. The elevation of Street Art to a "legitimate" form of art has had the effect that more people, the world over, who would otherwise never come into contact with such perfect and clearly expressed seeds of ideas and statements portrayed in Banksy's art can see them every day.Imagine if someone wrote a book about Santa Claus and talked about the idea of Santa, and the origins of Santa, and the movement inspired by Santa, but never revealed that crucial tidbit of info that would ruin all the magic. That's what you have here. Never have I used so many quotation marks to describe a man, his ideas, and the power he holds in the world but I believe Ellsworth-Jones struck the exact balance necessary for us to know this unknowable man without ruining the very essence of what makes him and his ideas and his art so powerful. It's a delicate balance but one I believe is well executed here.

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Banksy: The Man Behind the Wall, by Will Ellsworth-Jones PDF

Banksy: The Man Behind the Wall, by Will Ellsworth-Jones PDF
Banksy: The Man Behind the Wall, by Will Ellsworth-Jones PDF

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Mountain Dew: The History

Product details

Paperback: 332 pages

Publisher: BookSurge Publishing; 15 edition (February 26, 2007)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 141966087X

ISBN-13: 978-1419660870

Product Dimensions:

7 x 0.8 x 10 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.6 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.5 out of 5 stars

13 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#834,208 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

This is a fascinating story, especially for those of us that live in the East Tennessee & Western North Carolina area. This book leaves no stone unturned in the search for the origin of what is now one of the most populat beverages in the U.S. Before Coke & Pepsi controlled most of the soft drink market, there were several regional bottlers in this area. This book is a great history lesson, as it brings you back to the time when drinks came in a bottle that you returned to the store, where there was often a cooler filled with ice cold water & the drinks were hung by their neck and you had to rearrange some of them to get to the flavor you wanted. Excellently researched, this is a fun read for just about anyone. It'll tickle your innards!

This makes a great read! Perfect gift!

My brother called this the best gift ever. I got it for him for the holidays. He likes drinking Mountain Dew so I thought he would like this book.

very happy will order again

good for the teen to read- informative, great information, large sized, big type. wish it was less money, but hey if it gets him to read !!!

I bought this for my husband for Christmas this year (2011). I looked through it and it seems interesting. He's a big fan of mountain dew: t-shirts, bottles, books.

I bought this as a gift for a friend because we are both lovers of the Dew, but I was a little disappointed to realize it reads way too much like a textbook. I hope she'll still like it, and I will certainly update if she does!

I bought this book for my husband for Christmas this year. (He hasn't opened it yet, so I can't tell you what he thinks of it) I briefly read parts of the book. It seemed to be very informative, but easy to understand. It contains a lot of pictures as well.The ONLY negative thing I have to say about this book (and it even says this in the book itself) is that it is made to be an EBook first, and a paperback second. I didn't see this mentioned anywhere when I was purchasing the book, though I may have missed it. It has numerous pages that have pictures of videos that say "click here to play" and what not. I believe those pages really could have been left out of the book.It still overall seems to be a nice book. Hopefully my husband will get a kick out of it, and enjoy it.

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