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Product details

File Size: 3174 KB

Print Length: 127 pages

Publisher: In Reverie Publications (March 6, 2019)

Publication Date: March 6, 2019

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#4,130 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

I enjoyed this Valentine's special so much I never read the series and yet I was not lost or confused easy to follow and 👍up for the realistic problems.. Kyion was my favorite so funny..

I just love how Sharif loved non Ari, he went through post pardon with ber. Reef truly loved Ari, I was happy that she found her happy place.Shan &Cole they wanted a baby so bad, patience is. vkrtue...everything I. It's time. Kiyon and Nana the love they had for each other was beautiful.





Get Free Ebook , by Julia Mills

Get Free Ebook , by Julia Mills

When you want to read it as part of activities in the house or office, this documents can be likewise kept in the computer or laptop computer. So, you could not should be fretted about shedding the published publication when you bring it somewhere. This is one of the most effective reasons that you have to select , By Julia Mills as one of your analysis products. All very easy method shades your tasks to be easier. It will certainly additionally lead you in making the life runs far better.

, by Julia Mills

, by Julia Mills

, by Julia Mills

Get Free Ebook , by Julia Mills

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, by Julia Mills

Product details

File Size: 2860 KB

Print Length: 89 pages

Publication Date: December 21, 2018

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

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Enhanced Typesetting:


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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#24,288 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

Sexy, Saucy and oh so Yummy. The blurb of this book had me hook, line and sinker and I just HAD to purchase a copy and read it!!The characters were amazing. Cailleach was an amazingly strong willed lady who made you feel all warm inside even though she was the queen of winter. I loved her story and together with Jude, it made a powerful one that I won't forget anytime soon.The story-line was phenomenal. I loved this story from beginning to end. There were a few feelers in this story. I found myself laughing, sad and flat out scared at times while reading, but that just spurred me to read more to see how it would turn out!! I highly recommend this read.

Dreamin' of a White Dragon (Dragon Guard Book 36)By Julia Mills. 5 Stars*****Fun Quick Sexy Christmas Story!!It's Sure does put a smile on your face.Callie, the Godess of Winter, is comical in the way her character is so unlady like, lol. What comes out of her mouth would make a sailor proud lol.Jude, the White Dragon, has the patience of Jobe when it comes to Callie. He's so romantic and sexy to boot.I Adored This Book.I have voluntarily read and reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book.Reviewer for Nook Books and More Blog

Cailleach and Jude’s story starts off with a bang !! Callie The Goddess of Winter is refusing to start up the snow and winter good times, while Jude ( a Dragon Guardsman) has just been notified she’s his life mate, chosen by the Universe and then things really get going !! Callie loses her powers, gets kidnapped, then kidnapped again and when Jude shows up to save her , she tells him to take a hike !! Lot’s more heat than you would think in a book about the 2 beings who can bring about winter , but hot it is !! 5✨ ‘s

What a fun, funny story with unexpected twists! Julia’s stories are full of humor and witty comebacks, and this current story follows those lines. Though Caellie was a bit hard to like (though I think that was intentional), seeing Jude break last her barriers was awesome.

I love how all of these books are not just about one thing all the time. They have equal amounts of all the emotions throughout the books, this one is no different. I love how Julia puts different Gods and Goddesses into each book as well. Love her books.

Awesome totally awesome.Julia's a great writer I love this story. Who would have thought the goddess of winter what's so funny. Full drama action romance

Short cute enjoyable read . I enjoyed this read and I fo like all the characters in this series. Looking forward to reading more

The Woman in charge of the snow ❄ for the winter season and a Dragon who is her equal. What can go wrong?

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