Ebook Free Icewind Dale Trilogy: Collector's Edition (Forgotten Realms: the Icewind Dale Trilogy), by R. A. Salvatore

Ebook Free Icewind Dale Trilogy: Collector's Edition (Forgotten Realms: the Icewind Dale Trilogy), by R. A. Salvatore

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Icewind Dale Trilogy: Collector's Edition (Forgotten Realms: the Icewind Dale Trilogy), by R. A. Salvatore

Icewind Dale Trilogy: Collector's Edition (Forgotten Realms: the Icewind Dale Trilogy), by R. A. Salvatore

Icewind Dale Trilogy: Collector's Edition (Forgotten Realms: the Icewind Dale Trilogy), by R. A. Salvatore

Ebook Free Icewind Dale Trilogy: Collector's Edition (Forgotten Realms: the Icewind Dale Trilogy), by R. A. Salvatore

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Icewind Dale Trilogy: Collector's Edition (Forgotten Realms: the Icewind Dale Trilogy), by R. A. Salvatore

Amazon.com Review

We all owe a debt to Akar Kessel, that treacherous chump of a wizard's apprentice, briefly known as the (short-lived) Tyrant of Icewind Dale. Akar started it all when he stumbled across the ancient and malevolent Crenshinibon, the Crystal Shard, thereby kicking off one of fantasy's best and best-loved series--and at its heart, one of the genre's most beloved heroes, the noble dark-elf ranger Drizzt Do'Urden. While surely no Tolkien (who is, really?), Bob Salvatore can take pride in the fact that he's brought legions of enthusiastic fans to the genre--and for anyone who's caught themselves in an embarrassed yawn on page 412 of The Silmarillion, that's not a distinction to be taken lightly. You'd have to be a pretty cold fish for your pulse not to quicken a bit as Drizzt and company lay into yet another ravenous horde of trolls (or giants, or wererats). As an affectionate Terry Brooks says in his introduction to this collector's edition, you could do worse than to have your tombstone say you were a solid, workmanlike writer. And Salvatore, through his superior characterizations and knack for just telling a believable, engaging, and lovable story, transcends even that worthy praise. For fans, this collection unfolds like a treasured scrapbook: The Crystal Shard, where we first meet the band and explore the Dale (with so many unforgettable scenes: Drizzt taking down Errtu, Wulfgar crushing King Heafstaag's head with his bare hands, Bruenor tearing up as he gives Wulfgar the freshly forged Aegis-fang); Streams of Silver, with the heroes fighting their way to Mithril Hall and facing Artemis Entreri for the first time; and The Halfling's Gem, in which old Rumblebelly has been carted back to Calimport (who can forget the flying-chariot pirate fight, or when Drizzt--finally!--sneaks a quick smooch from Catti-brie?). A must-have on the shelf of any Drizzt true believer, or the perfect gift for some young, would-be fantasy fan. --Paul Hughes

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Product details

Series: Forgotten Realms: the Icewind Dale Trilogy

Hardcover: 1042 pages

Publisher: Wizards of the Coast; Collectors edition (January 1, 2000)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0786915579

ISBN-13: 978-0786915576

Product Dimensions:

6.5 x 2 x 9.8 inches

Shipping Weight: 3.1 pounds

Average Customer Review:

4.5 out of 5 stars

253 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#154,557 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

The first edition of The Crystal Shard will always hold a near and dear place in my heart. But it was a paperback, and my copy has grown fragile with age. With this omnibus collector's edition, The Crystal Shard (as well as Streams of Silver and The Halfling's Gem) finally got the hardcover treatment that they really deserved. All three novels can be carted around under one durable cover this way, without fear of damaging my precious first edition. This is the only way I ever want to buy a Salvatore novel, ever again.This edition also saw the addition of Drizzt Diaries to those first three novels. Salvatore actually introduced the Drizzt Diaries feature in the volumes of "The Dark Elf Trilogy", but he went back and inserted new journal entries into these books, in this edition. They are some of my favorite, out of all the Drizzt Diaries, ever.The division of chapters and books (or "parts", here) was flubbed in the first edition, particularly between the end of Book II and the beginning of a subsequent book. It is definitively fixed, here.

I bought this book because the titles sounded interesting, it was an exciting adventure with strong yet warm characters. I quickly became enamored with each and every one of the 5 main characters. I couldn't get enough of them I have since bought every one of Robert Salvatore's Drizzt novels. I don't usually read a book more than once; I have read each one numerous times. The characters become real friends to you, you are happy when they are, and you cry when you think one is lost. Anti e who enjoys fantasy will love the Drizzt novels.

Let me start by saying that I truly enjoyed this collection, and purchasing it in this omnibus is a great, economical plan. Do it. I don't really have any reservations in recommending it. To an extent, it's rekindled my love and faith in fantasy literature in general. Bob Salvatore's characters sparkle and live, the story is twisting, intriguing and joyful at every turn, filled with politics, grand adventure of nearly every sort, and battle (many have lauded praise upon Bob's action sequences). I could nitpick a little, but there really isn't much of a point, is there? I can see why these books are so popular. You probably will, too.Now, let's get to the reason I dub this the Trilogy of Typos. You'd think that, with books as well-read and heralded as these are, they would have been edited by now. I can see things slipping through in a first run, especially back in 1988, but these books are now aged, been through many printings... They're 20 years old! There is just no excuse for the myriad strangeness, for instance the name Wulfgar showing up as, say, "WuIfgar". And that is the tip of the iceberg. Just trust me; I don't need to list them, do I? There are typos like that all throughout, commas showing up in odd places and in pairs, definitely errors of the hand and not errors in Bob's writing. These things happen, and it gives an impression of rushing.And speaking of rushing, Bob rehashes certain words and metaphors a lot. Something like the phrase "globe of darkness" might be excusable, as I myself can't even really think of another way to render such a statement, but he uses phrases like "[enter name]'s mouth filled with bile at the thought" at least three times in one single chapter. He uses the term "cowed" a lot, a word I'd actually never heard before, but the narrative uses it, as do the characters, with too much frequency.This is stuff that could, and should, have been easily fixed by a talented editor. Even Bob wouldn't have had to bother with it. That's what editors are paid for, aren't they?Why are we having this problem in a 20 year-old book that has been read my millions? Even I could have fixed the vast majority of these problems during my single read-through, and it isn't as if I was looking actively for such flaws, and I'm certainly not a trained editor.There, so that's what differentiates my review from the reviews of others, my observations on said topic, which I now leave behind. Others have discussed the merits and demerits of the actual beyond sufficiency. As for my own opinion, this is a great trilogy, well worth the reading of anyone who enjoys the Forgotten Realms, either because of playing the video games or pen and paper games, and wants to immerse themselves, as well as fantasy fans in general who would like to get involved in a wide universe. If you're looking to commit to a long saga, it's tough to go wrong with any of Bob's Forgotten Realms books.

Book was like new. Could not ask for better. TYKids nowadays relate to game of thrones and such. If you like that, you will love this. If you dont like GOT, you will love this even more. Books are this neat invention a lot of you should check out, no charging or batteries required( i know this is hard to fathom). But if you order this, you will be told a story of wonderful imagination beyond your years!! =)

These books put me in mind of the old Batman TV-show, where the sound effects were animated on to the screen, to give that comic book feel. Most of salvatores fight scenes (and there are quite a few) give the same impression: slightly over the top, but with a drive and a wry smile that keeps you turning the pages.This volume collcets the three first novels about Drizzt and his friends, but take place after the events in the Dark Elf Trilogy. I think it makes sense to still read this first, as it leaves you wanting more - and wondering how a dark elf turned good."While surely no Tolkien", as the Amazon editorial review states - he is still a great writer. Tom Clancy is no Will the Bard, but he still sells books by the truckload (and keeps you locked for hours unless the real world manages to interupt). Same for Salvatore - he takes the general D&D / Forgotten Realms lore and setting and makes great "action" novels. Suitable also for teens, no strange words or blatant sex...Great reads, but painted in broad strokes (Me hero, me good - you evil, you die) Get them, and enjoy the start of a nice "friendship" with Drizzt and the Forgotten Realms!

This was a gift for my boyfriend who loves this author. If you're a pencil & paper/role playing gamer like him, you'll probably love it, too. I've enjoyed what he's read to me from this series. The English teacher part of me says it's not great literature, but it's got great action and an enjoyable story. It's great for casual reading for enjoyment rather than scholarly reading looking for deep meaning...read Tolkien for that.

Icewind Dale Trilogy: Collector's Edition (Forgotten Realms: the Icewind Dale Trilogy), by R. A. Salvatore PDF
Icewind Dale Trilogy: Collector's Edition (Forgotten Realms: the Icewind Dale Trilogy), by R. A. Salvatore EPub
Icewind Dale Trilogy: Collector's Edition (Forgotten Realms: the Icewind Dale Trilogy), by R. A. Salvatore Doc
Icewind Dale Trilogy: Collector's Edition (Forgotten Realms: the Icewind Dale Trilogy), by R. A. Salvatore iBooks
Icewind Dale Trilogy: Collector's Edition (Forgotten Realms: the Icewind Dale Trilogy), by R. A. Salvatore rtf
Icewind Dale Trilogy: Collector's Edition (Forgotten Realms: the Icewind Dale Trilogy), by R. A. Salvatore Mobipocket
Icewind Dale Trilogy: Collector's Edition (Forgotten Realms: the Icewind Dale Trilogy), by R. A. Salvatore Kindle

Icewind Dale Trilogy: Collector's Edition (Forgotten Realms: the Icewind Dale Trilogy), by R. A. Salvatore PDF

Icewind Dale Trilogy: Collector's Edition (Forgotten Realms: the Icewind Dale Trilogy), by R. A. Salvatore PDF

Icewind Dale Trilogy: Collector's Edition (Forgotten Realms: the Icewind Dale Trilogy), by R. A. Salvatore PDF
Icewind Dale Trilogy: Collector's Edition (Forgotten Realms: the Icewind Dale Trilogy), by R. A. Salvatore PDF

Ebook Download Grow Smart, Risk Less: A Low-Capital Path to Multiplying Your Business Through Franchising, by Shelly Sun

Ebook Download Grow Smart, Risk Less: A Low-Capital Path to Multiplying Your Business Through Franchising, by Shelly Sun

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Grow Smart, Risk Less: A Low-Capital Path to Multiplying Your Business Through Franchising, by Shelly Sun

Grow Smart, Risk Less: A Low-Capital Path to Multiplying Your Business Through Franchising, by Shelly Sun

Grow Smart, Risk Less: A Low-Capital Path to Multiplying Your Business Through Franchising, by Shelly Sun

Ebook Download Grow Smart, Risk Less: A Low-Capital Path to Multiplying Your Business Through Franchising, by Shelly Sun

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Grow Smart, Risk Less: A Low-Capital Path to Multiplying Your Business Through Franchising, by Shelly Sun

From the Inside Flap

Looking for a low-risk, low-capital path to astounding growth? Experienced franchisor Shelly Sun shares practical advice and her own compelling experiences to help you discover the power and avoid the pitfalls of franchising your business.In today's economic environment, access to capital is limited, and that isn't likely to change. Successful business owners have few options for dramatically expanding their brand. Grow Smart, Risk Less describes how you can use other people's money and leverage your success for fast, profitable growth. Unlike many authors of books on franchising, Shelly Sun has been through the process, growing her business from $1 million to $100 million in five years in system-wide sales. In Grow Smart, Risk Less she describes the process she went through -- equal parts brutally grueling and enormously rewarding -- to make it happen. She will educate you on every stage of the franchising process, preparing you to make savvy business decisions that are right for your company now. You will learn how to: Determine whether you have a concept worthy of franchising and how to adjust your concept if you don'tAssemble a professional team without wasting moneyAdjust your business model along the way for optimum growthGrow as a leader to assume the new challenges of leading a larger, more diverse organizationIf you're ready for the next stage of business development, read Grow Smart, Risk Less and set yourself on the path to amazing growth.

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From the Back Cover

"Expansion-minded business owners will learn a lot from Grow Smart, Risk Less. Shelly Sun correctly focuses on the importance of building unit-level economics to create a stronger foundation for accelerated franchise expansion. Learn from her experiences and from her approaches to building unit profitability to shorten the time it will take you to build your own successful franchised organization."-- Fred DeLuca, Founder, Subway"Grow Smart, Risk Less is a must-read for anyone considering franchising as a way to grow their business. Shelly Sun is a proven entrepreneur who shares the lessons she learned firsthand in growing BrightStar from three units to nearly three hundred in only six years. Her step-by-step guide can give any small business owner a head start in successfully expanding their business by effectively illustrating not just how to franchise but how to do it right."-- Stuart Mathis, President, MBE/The UPS Store"Shelly Sun has assembled a rich compilation of best practices for prospective franchisors based on her experiences building a successful franchise brand from scratch. Business leaders can learn as much from what didn't work as they can from what worked. Shelly has provided aplenty of both in a refreshingly candid and descriptive style."--Darrell Johnson, President and CEO, FRANdata"This is a must-read for those evaluating whether or not to franchise their existing business. It is also a valuable resource for franchising and management veterans looking for impactful strategies for developing a world-class culture of accountability, empowerment, and leadership. You'll learn implementable methods to further motivate your team and effectively align compensation with company objectives. Shelly embodies the American Dream -- discover her inspiring entrepreneurial success story."--Catherine Monson, CEO, FastSigns

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See all Editorial Reviews

Product details

Hardcover: 240 pages

Publisher: Greenleaf Book Group Press (October 4, 2011)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1608322025

ISBN-13: 978-1608322022

Product Dimensions:

9.5 x 1 x 6.2 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.1 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.1 out of 5 stars

15 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#681,646 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

As the owner of a small business, I am looking further down the road to see if franchising might be a viable alternative. Franchising was initially attractive because I thought it was a way to profit off your initial idea and goodwill, while leaving the daily operations to a franchisor. I discovered a lot by reading this book which turned me off from wanting to be a franchisor. First, a franchisee really seems more like business partner, and that is something I'd like to avoid. I gleaned this from Shelly's description of the pains that must be taken not to aggravate franchisees. I wish there were more time dedicated to the pros and cons of going company-owned vs. franchising. One thing that is clear is that a franchisee is much harder to terminate than a GM or manager, and I personally would like to be able to easily remove someone who was badly running one of my stores.Another thing I didn't like about the franchise model is that it seems like you really become a seller of businesses instead of your goods or services. I really like to stay at the grassroots level and interface with customers and employees, not be in a corporate office all day looking at ROIs, etc. Shelly's book helped me realize this.The book is nuts and bolts in nature, and there are plenty of examples from her franchise system, BrightStar. All in all, I'm glad I read it, even if it made me realize I DON'T want to be a franchisor.

This book is wonderful. It is easy to read, highly informative and feels like a very personal conversation with a remarkable entrepreneur. Shelly touches upon all the major considerations for franchising and goes into detail on how the journey unfolds. She tells her own story of failure and success, but it isn't preachy or self-indulgent. It's honest and genuine and authentic. This is a great, practical guide for anyone considering creating a franchise or even buying one. Nice job, Shelly! Thank you for such a fantastic resource!

Shelly has incredible depth of experience and knowledge in franchising. This book is a must read for anyone taking their company to the next level.

The reason I chose this book over myriad others was because it was to include several online "tools" which can be accessed after receiving the book. However the "secret word" to open the files does not work! I have tried several times to reach the author and publisher of this book but to no avail. BEWARE.

Shelly Sun is amazing... Have read her book before; got an extra copy because I lost mine. Lots of franchisors could learn a thing or two from her ...

Great book! Was given this book at a conference. Read it over a weekend. Will be working through the lessons and metrics for some time to come. Excellent planning and development ideas to get you where you want to go. Immediately upon completion purchased two more for some of my staff to help me implement these ideas. Highly recommend for anyone looking to get into franchising or simply trying to structure their business for growth.

I enjoyed the straight forward way this was written. A lot to think about. Interesting look at a complicated process.

left out a lot of important information

Grow Smart, Risk Less: A Low-Capital Path to Multiplying Your Business Through Franchising, by Shelly Sun PDF
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Grow Smart, Risk Less: A Low-Capital Path to Multiplying Your Business Through Franchising, by Shelly Sun PDF

Grow Smart, Risk Less: A Low-Capital Path to Multiplying Your Business Through Franchising, by Shelly Sun PDF

Grow Smart, Risk Less: A Low-Capital Path to Multiplying Your Business Through Franchising, by Shelly Sun PDF
Grow Smart, Risk Less: A Low-Capital Path to Multiplying Your Business Through Franchising, by Shelly Sun PDF

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, by Jerry Minchey

Product details

File Size: 2088 KB

Print Length: 164 pages

Page Numbers Source ISBN: 0984496890

Publisher: Stony River Media, Knoxville, TN (January 31, 2017)

Publication Date: January 31, 2017

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#270,586 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

After enjoying a book also written by this author, I bought "RVing: Less Hassle -- More Joy" to learn more about this beckoning lifestyle for my sunset years. While this was NOT as good as his more recent book, I still found lots of information to more than justify my investment.I'm not going to give you any spoilers, so if you're reading this review, but, suffice it to say that two of the links he shares for finding places to stay for free (after purchasing a membership) certainly made this a good buy, for me. Also, his tip for the proper action with your RV suffers a tire blow-out just might save a life or two.What would improve this book, for me? The opening chapter or two consist mostly of cliches. And, some of the information, insofar as present-day costs, should be updated. Other than that, though, this is a terrific book as it exists in 2019.BOTTOM LINEFour stars our of five. If it gets updated, I will probably change my rating to five stars.I am striving to produce reviews that help you find books that you want, or avoid books that you wish to avoid. With your help, my improvement will help readers find books they enjoy reading.

The copy I purchased was a Kindle ebook, and covers a wide range of information. Some of the information is available in the authors other books, but there is enough new and specific data to make RVing more enjoyable. The only think I didn't like is that the eBook did not have any of the reference links included. It looked like they were dropped in the conversion process from printed text to eBook.

Very good read. Jerry is a very clear and concise author , and I enjoy all of his books. I have read through this book 3 times, and find a new tip each time. He is someone who's been there, done that . This book not only gives you his thoughts but also links to many other books, videos and products to make your RVing experience a good one . I highly recommend this book . Well worth your time.

I believe I have read all of Jerry Minchey's books. As always; full of resources and Very Informative with a sense of humor. I just enjoy his books. Many others have so many type o-s you get distracted, but not his. As a solo RVer I refer back often to his books. I would highly recommend them all. Prices are reasonable and I have paid more and gotten less, lol..just like at the gas pump; haha!!!

My wife and I have been RVing for more than 40 years and learned a great deal from this book. Jerry knows what he is talking about. We found his advice very useful. I will read this book several times in the future. Buy it!

Excellent Book. Extremely easy to read with lots of useful information included. This is the third book of Jerry's that I've read and none of them have disappointed me. BTW, Ian Moore, the street fiddler in Ashville, was incredible. If I can get down there, I'll stop by to see him!

This is great reading for those who want to go roving the country side. I love the way it is presented.

Haven't had a chance to finish it yet but so far real good.

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, by Jerry Minchey PDF


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