Ebook Download , by James Dean Kimberly Dean

Ebook Download , by James Dean Kimberly Dean

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, by James Dean Kimberly Dean

, by James Dean Kimberly Dean

, by James Dean Kimberly Dean

Ebook Download , by James Dean Kimberly Dean

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, by James Dean Kimberly Dean

Product details

File Size: 23163 KB

Print Length: 40 pages

Publisher: HarperCollins (October 6, 2015)

Publication Date: October 6, 2015

Sold by: HarperCollins Publishers

Language: English

ASIN: B00S58353S


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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#21,415 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

We pre-ordered this book as my toddler is a fan of Pete The Cat.Pete and his friends are hanging out and don't want the day to end so they decide to have a sleep over. All is well until Pete wants to catch some Zzz's and his friends won't quite down. The book stays true to the sing song Pete the Cat style. It is colorfully illustrated and I'm sure that it will captivate the minds of sleep fighting toddlers for generations to come.

Pete is always great and this book does not disappoint. It talks about getting ready for bed and how to settle down. Our daughter is only 2 and she loves to take this book out and she tries to summarize it and does the Motions along with the book

Excelente! Un poco caro pero mi hijo ama a Pete!No estuve de acuerdo con el empaque de envío, por que se podían mojar si llovía o podían golpearse ya que no era una caja cerrada, venían en un cartón tipo forro, lamento no haber tomado fotografía.

I wish it had more 'sing song' lines. It has a bit, but what my daughter really loved was that you could sing some of the earlier books. It is a cute story however and my daughter still really likes it.

Not our absolute favorite Pete book. We really love the ones with the songs and our favorites are white shoes and buttons and this one just wasn't even close terms of entertainment value and fun for the kiddos. That being said we love Pete and will keep trying the other books and hopefully they will be more like the early ones.

The kids' favorite bedtime story! Would like to say it puts them right to sleep, but that would be a lie....they want to hear it again!

Our almost 3 year old loves Pete the Cat, so when bedtime issues came up, I thought I'd try this. The rhymes and song are not your typical Pete the Cat. It doesn't have the catchy phrasing of the other Pete the Cat books. But, it's still a fun story with the familiar character.

We have nearly all of the Pete the Cat books; this one is not as exciting or interesting as most of the other ones, but my son did enjoy the door hanger.

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, by James Dean Kimberly Dean PDF

, by James Dean Kimberly Dean PDF
, by James Dean Kimberly Dean PDF

Free Download The Fourth Monkey

Free Download The Fourth Monkey

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The Fourth Monkey

The Fourth Monkey

The Fourth Monkey

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The Fourth Monkey

Product details

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Audible Audiobook

Listening Length: 12 hours and 32 minutes

Program Type: Audiobook

Version: Unabridged

Publisher: Recorded Books, Inc.

Audible.com Release Date: June 27, 2017

Whispersync for Voice: Ready

Language: English, English

ASIN: B0716YF1S5

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

The Fourth Monkey by JD Barker5 stars!!!“Sorry it took me so long to visit, I’ve been a very busy boy.”This book had me at “Se7en meets Silence of the Lambs,” two of my favourite films EVER!! I love my crime thrillers, sometimes when I need a break from the world of romance my other love comes into play. I love CSI, I love Criminal Minds and this book was the perfect mix of the two, along with a gripping, thrilling investigation. JD Barker is a new to me author and if this book is any indication of his talents then I have quite a few books to look forward to. This was a book that I would love to see on the big screen, the scene setting, this authors play on words, an all-consuming plot all led to an unputdownable read, one that held my attention from the very first word until the very last.JD Barker turns the world of criminal thrillers on its head with The Fourth Monkey in so far as it starts with the death of The Fourth Monkey killer, a serial killer that has evaded capture in Chicago for over five years. A serial killer that never leaves any evidence, a serial killer so smart the police have nothing to go on, a serial killer that taunts them, teases them and makes them look like amateurs, time and time again. The clues are all there on the body, now it just needs someone with just as sick a mind to interpret them, to understand them and to find The Fourth Monkey Killers last victim. It is a race against time.“Pawns must be sacrificed for the king to fall.”We all know the story of the three wise monkeys, hear no evil, see no evil and speak no evil. According to lore there was a fourth monkey…do no evil. So why would a serial killer be labelled The Fourth Monkey? Quite a contradiction considering the field this man excels in. The Fourth Monkey got his name from the three white boxes that he sends to his victim’s family, first the ears, then the eyes and then the tongue. While I felt the killing was a necessity for this serial killer, the thrill of the chase was what got this man off. The Fourth Monkey Killer was a master manipulator, he trails bread crumbs, he leads the investigating officers on a merry dance, a dance that had my rapt attention throughout.Detective Sam Porter is the lead on this case and the gift of The Fourth Monkey Killers diary is where it all begins and ends. The diary entries are what gives us an understanding of the man The Fourth Monkey Killer was, a diary that goes some ways into describing the events that moulded the man. From childhood to present all pertinent facts and events are described in all their gut churning glory. A vigilante of sorts who kills the innocent to punish the guilty. The morality of his reasoning will make you think and while you know it is wrong that streak of empathy will keep rearing its ugly head.JD Barker sugar coats nothing. This is a book that will turn your stomach, not only with actions but also with thoughts. I had goose bumps and the fear was real. This author really gets into your head and plays with your mind and that is the sign of an amazing psychological thriller. The twists and turns you will never see coming, the prose utterly engaging and positively chilling, but this is a story that you will never forget and will sickly want more of.“Luckily, it was downhill. Mr. Carter had been a large man.”This book is incredibly graphic at times and is definitely not for the faint of heart, many a time my hands were over my eyes as if I could somehow shield myself from what I was reading. This is where JD Barker exceeded with the visceral scene setting…letting your imagination run riot and mine is extremely vivid. Engaging, absorbing, compelling, intriguing, suspenseful, sick and twisted but as I said above, one unforgettable read. If you love psychological thrillers then this is the cream of the crop. Totally loved every single sick second of it.

Oh... what did I read? I can't believe I waited so long to pick this one up. Everyone kept telling me I needed to read it. Now, I am telling everyone else that you need to read it.The four monkeys... Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil, and do no evil. This book surrounds a revenge serial killer who is diabolical and depraved. I loved every second of this book.On the hunt... but who is on the hunt? I was on the edge of my seat throughout this book, and I couldn't stop reading. The detectives in this story are a great band of characters. Their chemistry and wit was an added benefit to this story. Between their relentless hunt and their close relationships, this book never seemed to lag at any given point.I am a sucker for dark and twisted. This one has all of those characteristics that make my dark heart tingle. I was bouncing in my seat, excited to finally get a deliciously messed up book. I haven't read one like this in a while.Before I let you go, let's talk about Barker's writing itself. Oh my! So vivid without being overly descriptive, but just enough that I could see the whole book play out in my head in detail. He definitely knows how to tell a great twisted, haunting, dark, and devious story!

Whoo doggie...this is the best psychological thriller I've read since SILENCE OF THE LAMBS.I found myself reading slower than I normally do, savoring each word - and that wasn't always the easiest thing to do since this book contains some of the nastiest pages I've read in...well, forever.The story is set in modern day Chicago and tells of the Four Monkey Killer (4MK), a particularly savage serial killer, and also tells of Detective Porter and Detective Nash with Chicago Metro, that head up the task force that's been hunting this killer for seven years.Part of the story is also told from the serial killer's diary, a nasty piece of work from when he was a child.And that's all I'm going to write about the story because readers need to go into this book without any spoilers.I will say this is one of the best books I've read in years. Every word of it's perfect.I am very thankful that I received this book from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt through Net Galley in exchange for my unbiased review. I liked it so much I pre-ordered my own copy - so I can have the finished version for my library and also so I can support this author.

Possibly minor spoilers.Something bothered me about this book. Yes, the torture seems pornographic, and the diary seemed unbelievable. Who the hell has parents like that? Where did they come from? Nothing seemed fleshed out. Yes, the chapters are bite sized and readable, but you get the feeling the author wasn’t sure of his characters, just playing them thinly. Hannibal Lecter was a fascinating character....this killer wasn’t. Plus the ending was cheap, setting up the next book. Who cares? I don’t. Again, hype told me to buy this book.

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