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Product details
File Size: 2748 KB
Print Length: 692 pages
Publisher: Holt Paperbacks; 20th Anniversary edition (August 3, 2010)
Publication Date: August 3, 2010
Sold by: Macmillan
Language: English
ASIN: B003X27L7C
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#64,823 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
As a x2 Iraq vet, I was always troubled and interested in the modern history of the middle east. If you want a really gut wrenching account of how the west completely screwed up an entire region, look no further. The incompetence of civic leaders, their blatant arrogance and greed, their backdoor dealings and re-dealings, the political swings, the sheer luck of some incidents, and the silliness of so-called "intellectuals", comes to the fore in this great book. If you have dreams of quality international politics or agreements, this book will shatter them. Many of the accounts could easily have been written today and be believable.The book is well divided into chapters, but requires careful reading to keep up with the people, places, and politics. A quick bio of key players right at the outset would have been quite beneficial.Only giving it four stars because it really needs some full-page maps, particularly for the campaigns and showing national boundaries in the 1918s. Finding a quality map of the late Ottoman empire and modern middle east is essential if you're going to follow the campaigns, as the map is unfortunately devoid of any maps. GoogleEarth was a great help, and you can also get an idea for the key terrain (Hejaz for example)
As I read this wonderful book, I conjured a fantasy of a White House meeting held a couple of months before the Bush Administration’s fateful 2002 decision to invade Iraq. In attendance were the usual suspects: Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Condi Rice, Colin Powell, Dick Rumsfeld, et al. But some sage attendee had also suggested the inclusion of Professor Fromkin who was asked to reflect on the notion of such an adventure in light of his study of the history of the Middle East. The professor went on for a couple of hours describing the events leading up to, and then following, the allied victory in World War One: the British change of heart about the essential integrity of the Ottoman Empire; the second and third thoughts about the Balfour Declaration; the ex parte division by the allies of the human and territorial spoils of war; the resultant festering resentment of foreign domination; the brutal machinations of the occupiers (especially the French in Algeria and elsewhere); the interwoven, ever-lasting, invariably brutal sectarian violence between Sunni and Shia…the list went on and on. The government officials sat in rapt fascination at the professor’s tale. They thanked him for his visit, and upon his departure, took just moments to conclude that any such invasion would be a historically tragic mistake.Of course, such a conclave was never convened. Despite many attendees’ knowledge of the same history Professor would have recounted, the invasion decision was taken and its predictable (if someone were listening and thinking) consequences dog us and the rest of the world to this day.We history buffs are especially enamored of Santayana’s observation that, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.†But I guess governments don’t read history books, no less invite an authority on a particular region or period in for a coffee and a chat before a momentous and irreversible decision is made. More’s the pity. The upshot is this: if you believe your knowledge of the Middle East is not quite what it should be and you wonder from time to time why certain events happen and others do not in this perpetually troubled part of the world, just read this book. Then you will know what our Iraq invasion decision makers didn’t...or chose to forget.
Want to share my opinion, hoping to save potential readers some time. My goal with this book, as a casual reader of history, was to try and understand how the modern Middle East came to be, and how the west was complicit in carving it up. This is not the book. It is exceedingly dry, rote facts chapter after chapter, and not at all involving. I did suffer through it, but it took a long time...a few dreary pages at a time. It would be more useful if used as a reference book, specifically for events leading up to and immediately after WWI. Also, note that the book leaves you at around 1922, with little to no explanation as to what occurred after. There must be a better and less painful book to educate yourself on this subject in general. I relied on the NYTs endorsements, which in retrospect were pretty misleading. Hope this review helps someone.
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