Free Ebook Rick Steves Best of Spain, by Rick Steves

Free Ebook Rick Steves Best of Spain, by Rick Steves

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Rick Steves Best of Spain, by Rick Steves

Rick Steves Best of Spain, by Rick Steves

Rick Steves Best of Spain, by Rick Steves

Free Ebook Rick Steves Best of Spain, by Rick Steves

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Rick Steves Best of Spain, by Rick Steves

About the Author

Since 1973, Rick Steves has spent about four months a year exploring Europe. His mission: to empower Americans to have European trips that are fun, affordable, and culturally broadening. Rick produces a best-selling guidebook series, a public television series, and a public radio show, and organizes small-group tours that take over 20,000 travelers to Europe annually. He does all of this with the help of a hardworking, well-traveled staff of 100 at Rick Steves' Europe in Edmonds, Washington, near Seattle. When not on the road, Rick is active in his church and with advocacy groups focused on economic justice, drug policy reform, and ending hunger. To recharge, Rick plays piano, relaxes at his family cabin in the Cascade Mountains, and spends time with his partner Trish, son Andy, and daughter Jackie.Connect with @RickStevesinstagram: ricksteveseurope

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Product details

Series: Rick Steves

Paperback: 496 pages

Publisher: Rick Steves; 2 edition (March 27, 2018)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1631218085

ISBN-13: 978-1631218088

Product Dimensions:

5 x 0.9 x 8 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.8 out of 5 stars

18 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#8,365 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

I’ve been using Rick Steve’s travel books for a very long time and this one is also great. I like the way he gives the history of the country in the beginning and covers the individual regions separately with their unique background. His coverage of the must-see pieces in the museums is another reason to get this book and you suddenly start appreciating the Dalis and Picasso’s (yes Picasso)! For the first time we also used his recommendation for hotels in a couple of places and were very happy with both.I was looking for his Spanish phrase book similar to the useful French expressions book we had used in France but couldn’t find it. Hope he will come out with one.

Once again Rick Stevens knocks it out of the park. I purchased a few travel guides for Spain but Rick's is by far the best one. He suggests trips for 5 days, 7 days, 10 days and more. I'm actually using a tour company to book my trip to Spain but this book has allowed me to narrow down where I'd like to visit and what sites are must-sees.

I wish Rick Steves published guide books for places other than Europe. Other guide books may be more colorful or be considered more "hip," but I find this series to be the most practical. They are so much more than just listings of places to see and things to do. All the guide books have that. But Rick and his writers really give you the very specific information you need, such as best times to visit sights and museums, best way to buy tickets, where to enter, best way to get there, what's really worth seeing and what's not, etc. So you are really in the know when you decide to visit a particular place.

Really? What’s not to like about this book. 3 of my friends travelled to Spain. We ordered the book ahead of time. Discussed where we would like to go, what we were interested in seeing and doing. We had the best time ever.

OMG, best Rick Steves Spain book ever. It talks about Spain and everything. I don't know how I looked at Spain books before I fount this.

Rick Steves never disappoints. Great details. Helped us plan our trip which otherwise would have not been as great.

Full of wonderful information in a manageably sized book.

Must be like 5th or 6th Rick Steves. If you like to know where and what you gonna do, before you get there, then Rick Steves is for you. It's like having a friend that's a tour guide showing you around, best places, reasonable priced, , save time, and very very knowledgeable.

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Rick Steves Best of Spain, by Rick Steves PDF
Rick Steves Best of Spain, by Rick Steves PDF

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