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, by Dustin Stevens

, by Dustin Stevens

, by Dustin Stevens

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, by Dustin Stevens

Product details

File Size: 4390 KB

Print Length: 294 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publication Date: April 12, 2016

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#19,652 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

Another great Mattox and Billie read. Spoiler alert.This one starts with Reed Mattox in the past. A past that includes his dead partner Riley. A Riley who died when he wasn't there to protect her.Mattox now has a new partner. Billie is her name and she's an ex MWD and the perfect partner. A solid black Belgian Malinois. At sixty five pounds she's not as big as the German Shepherds on the force but she's one able and very capable K-9.The Good Son is about to make his first kill. This one will be easy. An older woman who's asleep in her house. A house the Good Son has no problem getting into. He does what he needs to do then leaves eight minutes later.Reed and Billie are eating lunch. Well attempting to eat the crappy burrito. Hell. Billie took one sniff and turned away. Reed ends up throwing the rest in the garbage. He then gets a call from Jackie the gossip mongering dispatcher. Jackie tells him both he and Billie need to gain a few pounds. At 6'3" and over 200 pounds Reed thinks both he and Billie don't need any extra pounds. Jackie does have a call for him. Seems the uni's on site want a detective to give a second opinion. That's a new one for Reed who's a twelve year veteran of the force so he heads to the house to see what his opinion is needed on.Officers Jacobs and McMichael's meet him at the scene. The scene is a single story house in what's called The Bottoms.The fire department and EMS are also on site. Things look pretty dicey because the officers wouldn't let EMS or the FD into the house for fear they would contaminate the scene. The first responders are pissed because its money out of their pockets and they don't think the officers were justified in calling the woman dead without them having the opportunity to see her. Someone called 911 about the woman. The call reported a heart attack and the two officers entered the house to find Esther Rosen in the back bedroom. No pulse, no breathing and body already starting to cool. Reed agrees to take that look.Reed works the night shift as a floater and when he gets back to the office he finds Captain Grimes who heads up the 8th already in his office. A Grimes who's already gotten a call from the Medics about this mornings call out to the Bottoms.Reed tells Grimes that the scene was sterile as hell and for a woman who was supposed to be having a heart attack the sheets covering her weren't even disturbed. Something is fishy with this one and that's what Reed tells Grimes. The autopsy later will show her sternum had been hit hard enough to break bones. A sure sign that someone tried to bring her back after death. A death that was from suffocation and not a heart attack.So begins one damned fine read.This one has Reed, Billie, Grimes, the Good Son, his mother, his job, his idiot of a boss, officers Jacobs and MacAlister, Dr. Solomon the county ME, a Solomon who will be working hand in glove with Reed on this one as the bodies start to pile up, Earl the forensics specialist, his team, a woman who's death is made to look like suicide, her dead dog, the stone that was used to kill the dog, a Billie who got the scent, a Reed who has a hard time trying to figure it all out , donor cards, a support group, the ex wife of one of the dead who's a real piece of work, Bishop and Iaconelli two less than friendly detectives who assist in the final takedown, a Reed finally beginning to figure the whole thing out, motives, a man who would do anything for his mother, a Billie who saves the day and Reed Mattox doing his best to get the bad guys, figure the whole thing out and stay alive.Five Stars

It has generally been said, whether of a book or of a movie, that the second in the series, was not as good as the first in the series. I typically agree with that except, no question, The Empire Strikes Back, book two in the first Star War trilogy was immensely better than the first movie, A New Hope.The second book in this writer’s series, The Good Son, was not as good as the first book, The Boat Man. I gave it 3 stars as opposed to 5 stars for Boat Man.I’m heavy into the crime genre. I don’t write the books. I write the book reviews. I look closely at the behavior of the antagonist, because I regard that trait to be the catalyst of the story. The other thing I look for is what I call the “punch line”, i.e., that which tells me the reader why the killer did what he/she did. We read WHAT the killer did over and over throughout the narrative, but it is not until we get to the “WHY” the killer did what they did that we understand the crux of the behavior of the antagonist and thus the basis for the story. The “why”, therefore, is the punch line to the story. If the punch, or the why of the behavior of the actions of the antagonist comes too early in the read we figure out where the story is going. Then the rest of the story is simply a rush to get to the anti climax or resolution of the read. So, the timing of WHEN the punch line comes, therefore, is pivotal in order to keep the reader engrossed in the story to page last.The punch line of The Good Son came way too early in the read. Once I got why the killer was doing what he was doing, I got bored with the rest of the read. But, I finished it anyway.The other concern I have with a follow up book to a prior read from the same author is predictability. In other words, the plots, character studies, rising and falling action are the same book after book.While I enjoyed the plot, etc, in book one, once I recognized the same pattern in book two, I was not as interested in where the story was going because I could figure out how the narrative was going to end. This is somewhat similar to punch line, although but by that time I was pretty well jaded with the read anyway.Based on the above, I’m wondering if I want to read any more of this writer. He is prolific, so I may pick up one more of his books solely for the reason to either prove out my theory that he writes his stories in a template fashion, or, his first two books were just to get his feet wet in the genre.We’ll see.

I've just finished reading the fifth installment of the Reed & Billie series and thoroughly enjoyed the entire series. I appreciate the fact that the protagonist Detective Reed Mattox isn't some kind of super-cop, just a dedicated hard working investigator. None of that "digging deep into his primal core" to come up with herculean strength, speed, etc. This makes the stories more realistic, in my view.The only gripe I have about the series is that the editors or proof-readers (or both) seem to slack off toward the end of the stories. In the 4th book there are references to the "speedometer and odometer redlining". Odometers record miles driven. Tachometers record engine RPMs which would have been the proper term, not odometer. Also, there are frequent references to the "smell of cordite" after gun fire. Cordite was only used in gunpowder from the late 1800's to WWII (see Wikipedia) so any reference to it in a modern setting is an example of ignorance and sloppy editing.Super minor annoyances, to be sure, and do not detract from the page-turning stories. I hope there are more Reed & Billie stories in the pipeline.

I really enjoyed Boat Man and was eager to read the sequel, however, I found it a disappointment. Neither the intensity nor the environment description is as riveting. I could never lose track of the thought that Stevens is writing about Ohio from his nest in Hawaii. I fear I have lost interest in Stevens for awhile, at least.

I've read both of the Reed and Billie series, and I loved them. The relationship between the two is developing. Enough twists and action to make this another great read from Mr. Stevens. I'm really looking forward to your next installment--I'm hooked on this dynamic duo. .

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