Download Ebook Paid For: My Journey Through Prostitution, by Rachel Moran

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Paid For: My Journey Through Prostitution, by Rachel Moran

Paid For: My Journey Through Prostitution, by Rachel Moran

Paid For: My Journey Through Prostitution, by Rachel Moran

Download Ebook Paid For: My Journey Through Prostitution, by Rachel Moran

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Paid For: My Journey Through Prostitution, by Rachel Moran


“This is surely the best, most personal, profound, eye-opening book ever written about prostitution―irrefutable proof of why it should NEVER be legalized.” - Jane Fonda“People who are working to end sexual exploitation will take heart from her example of transformation and an insistence on basic human dignity.” - President Jimmy Carter“Rachel Moran takes us where no readers have ever gone: into the deep hell of being prostituted… Anyone who believes "sex work" is chosen or a job like any other should read Paid For for its exposure of misinformation and myths alone. But the book is more: Moran writes so well that her story will scorch your heart….” - Robin Morgan“No amount of theory from those who have never been prostituted can replace the truth and power of experience. Rachel Moran's Paid For should be required reading in courses on human rights, in police training and law schools, and in sex education courses that separate welcome sex from body invasion.” - Gloria Steinem“Paid For fuses the memoirist's lived poignancy with the philosopher's conceptual sophistication. The result is riveting, compelling, incontestable. Impossible to put down. ” - Catharine A. MacKinnon, law professor, University of Michigan and Harvard University“As a survivor, I can say Paid For got to the heart of what sex-trafficked and prostituted women face on a daily basis. Rachel speaks for those survivors who can’t speak for themselves, and for those who have been lost to the life.” - Vednita Carter, Founder and Executive Director, Breaking Free“Paid For is the political sword we desperately need to slay once and for all the myths and fairytales surrounding the sex trade. Sojourner Truth once said that truth is powerful and it prevails. Rachel Moran's earth-shaking book embodies just that.” - Taina Bien-Aimé, Executive Director, Coalition Against Trafficking in Women“Rachel Moran demolishes the “Pretty Woman” myth with the stark reality of the lived experience of her young years in prostitution. This memoir makes a strong case for the Nordic model law that criminalizes the buyers whose money drives the trade that treats women as objects for sale.” - Terry O'Neill, President, National Organization for Women

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About the Author

Rachel Moran is the founder of the organization SPACE International (Survivors of Prostitution-Abuse Calling for Enlightenment). She has a bachelor’s degree in journalism and a master’s degree in creative writing and speaks globally on prostitution and sex-trafficking. She lives in Dublin, Ireland.

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Product details

Paperback: 320 pages

Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company; 1 edition (September 8, 2015)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0393351971

ISBN-13: 978-0393351972

Product Dimensions:

5.5 x 0.8 x 8.3 inches

Shipping Weight: 8.8 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.2 out of 5 stars

93 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#59,303 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

As a male who has personally struggled against the idea of whether prostitution is moral or not, this book has served its purpose of clarifying my ethical standings. After reading this book, it has become crystal clear to me that prostitution is an evil force that must be done away with at once. I am not a puritan, nor a religious fanatic, just a man with plain common sense that read a book from someone who has been there and is articulating her story. Now, before I go into the insights I have gained from this book, I would like to thank Rachel Moran for aiding in my personal development and contributing to human society with her wonderful work in this book.The book is not perfect by any means, but it is a wonderfully written and enjoyable piece. I read it in 4 days. Despite the mental and physical hardship she's endured, Rachel has managed to write a book that is very insightful and much better written than many books & articles I have read from Columbia or Stanford graduates.Now without further ado, let me list the key insights I have obtained from this book. They are not the only insights one can gain, but those are the ones that spoke to me the most.1) Prostitution promotes secrecy. A very bad psychological habit for both parties engaging in the act.2) Homelessness is often the introductory road to prostitution. Homeless is a particularly harsh condition, one can understand why women resort to selling themselves as a means of escaping homelessness. Prostitution is therefore mainly a substitution for complete poverty.3) Prostitution is paid rape, or paid to be sexually used. This stroke a deep chord with me by the way, because I never saw it that way.4) The transaction occurring during the act of prostitution is not occurring between two equal parties. In essence, the male with monetary, educational, and social access is exploiting the female who lacks these resources to fulfill his sexual gratifications.5) Prostitutions hate their clients. They pretend to like them so that the act can be more tolerable for the Johns (another word for clients)6) Males who engage in buying prostitutes are psychologically training themselves to be sexually abusive to women whether they know it or not7) A society that legalizes prostitution obscures moral boundaries within the collective, I found this remark to be very important.8) Current legislation against prostitution are not to ban prostitution but mainly to move it indoors, away from public view.9) Prostitution massacres the body, soul, and mind of the women who do it. The "Happy Hooker" story is a myth.10) Men need a lot of education on the subject if this problem is to ever done with completely.The book is simply spectacular. It is well written, describes graphical details, is packed with real emotions, and provides a glimpse of hope for the future. I hope to meet and fund Rachel Moran one day. She has an organization called SPACE (Survivors of Prostitution-Abuse Calling for Enlightenment).. I'll definite write her a check if God gives me the chance.Conclusion: Book is amazing, buy it now and support this brave woman!

This is the best book on Prostitution that I have ever read. However,This book not only meets that standard, It is by far the Best book I have ever read. This should be required reading in a multitude of classes on Social Policy as well as topics in Therapy such as Therapuetic Process designed to heal from various abuses. First Ms. Moran describes her inner life as a child and then traces her inner life all the way through her life and through the book and in doing so opens up answers to all the questions anyone would have ever had about what prostitutes deal with and REALLY go though in the work they do night and day. Spoken with candor, transparency, depth of feeling and awareness, and sensitivity, Ms. Moran cannot help but look around to find multitudes of supporters and allies in anyone who reads this book.. As a social worker, this book has given me new life in areas of interest I have already had. As a woman this book has offered many areas of self reflection about past relationships and levels of behavioral dysfunction that women learn to tolerate and how in our psyche this is done. This book is not written with any "bias" or with any hidden agenda but answers a need in myriad areas of cross disciplinary discussion, knowledge and policymaking. OUTSTANDING and EXCELLENT. I recommend this to everyone I know.

This is a book that every father should buy for his son on his 21st birthday. Ms. Moran’s treatment of this highly misunderstood flaw in men’s psychies, that has existed for literally hundreds of years, is nothing short of riveting. If you are looking for a book that reveals highly sexual content then go somewhere else as Ms Moran only, and rarely, shares these details to make her point that prostitution is an evil, vile imposition on women, no matter how it is served up. A very brave work by a women who hundreds of men should have loved, not violated. Yes, prostitution is a choice, but so is jumping off of a bridge ...a choice only made by people who have been through so much emotional and psychological abuse that it actually appears to be a solution.

This tome reads like a Pulitzer pride winner. Rachel start out in her childhood, & on and why,she had to see herself.what her limited options for a girl from a broken home.I am Rooting for her gradual success and I mourn, her bad plans, too.Talk about the strength of the human condition.It’s set in Ireland. It is a heavy read, due to lots of characters, and scene-setips. Force yourself to stick with us, I am happy I perserved.this is a sad but very prevalent problem since the dawn of time. I read it in 2 settings and its worth! A headache.Your heart will break,but all for the Right, reasons. A real this book, ok??!!!

What a brave, strong, intelligent woman Rachel Moran is. Her personal account of life as a prostitute and the industry itself, is insightful and very revealing. She pulls no punches in this account. At times I found myself close to tears, at others almost gagging with revulsion. Some of the experiences she recounted filled me with anger that flared into rage. The commodification of women and the degradation they're subjected to within prostitution is shown in vivid detail. The attitudes of the 'punters' is truly stomach churning. This book doesn't make comfortable reading, but I believe it is an important work that SHOULD be read by men and women alike.

This is an important look at prostitution. Moran shatters stereotypes and introduces new ways to think about this exploitation. She uses her own experience in prostitution, stories from other prostituted individuals, and extensive research to explain entering this industry, the effects of prostitution on the body and mind, interactions with others, the struggle to emerge from prostitution, and many other topics. The book is well organized and easy to follow. It is not an easy read emotionally and forces the read to confront this topic and all of its ugliness, but it is a very important, unique work.

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